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Nine Salient Points for Mentor Coaching:

  1. The ICF requires that candidates for supervision complete 10 hours of mentor coaching in addition to the 6
    required hours of supervision. The supervision requirement is met during the required supervision class.
  2. Mentor coaching by ICF definition is:
    The ICF defines Mentor Coaching as providing professional assistance in achieving and demonstrating the
    levels of coaching competency demanded by the desired credential level sought by a coach‐applicant
    (mentee). Furthermore, Mentor Coaching means an applicant (mentee) being coached on their coaching
    skills rather than coaching on practice building, life balance, or other topics unrelated to the development of
    an applicant’s coaching skill.
    To view the complete ICF Mentor Coaching definition/requirements, click here.
  3. Mentor Coaching must begin after the candidate has started the Individual Coaching Supervision class and be completed prior to taking the Final Written Exam.
  4. Mentor Coaches must have appropriate credentials and be listed below as approved MentorCoach
    mentor coaches.
  5. A total of 7 mentoring hours of the 10 required hours can be fulfilled through the certification exam prep group listed below.
  6. Notification of Mentor Coaching hours must be cited on the official CMC Final Written Exam application providing hours, dates and Identity of the mentor coach(es) providing the service (an example of how to document this can be found in the CMC Final Written Exam application).
  7. All questions about the mentor coaching requirements and approved providers should be directed to Sunny Bain at
  8. Each Mentor Coaching session must be 1-hour in length.
  9. Major duties of the Mentor Coach are as follows:
    • Inform the mentee regarding all aspects of the ICF Code of Ethics.
    • Focus on core competency development by reviewing and providing oral and written feedback on a series of the mentee’s coaching sessions.
      • These sessions are to be conducted one at a time, with a feedback session between each one, giving enough time between sessions to allow for incorporation of the mentee’s learning and development
    • Provide specific verbal and/or written feedback, using targeted examples from the sessions so that:
      • The mentee will know exactly what s/he is doing well
      • The mentee understands what needs to be done to develop a deeper level of mastery in coaching
    • Demonstrate that s/he is learning about the mentee at many levels at once and is able to hold all of that in the context of:
      • Who the mentee is
      • What the mentee is seeking
      • Honoring the mentee’s unique style

Approved MentorCoach Mentor Coaches

MentorCoach Certification Certificate Exam Prep Group

  • You may attend as many sessions as you wish but only 7 hours will count toward the Mentor Coaching requirement
  • These sessions are offered at $25/session
  • The Exam Prep Group must be taken during or after completion of the Individual Coaching Supervision Master Class
  • To attend the Certification group contact:
    Anne Durand, MCC

Approved Mentor Coaches

Alan Graham, PhD, PCC
Foster Blair, JD, CEC, PCC
Heather Curtis,
Irene Nizzero, MA, CMC, PCC
Josh Zimmerman, BA, CMC, PCC
Jul Marie Hermosisima, CMC, PCC,
Michelle M. López, PhD, CMC, PCC
Pat Hinton Walker, PhD, RN, FAAN, PCC,
Renee Fluty, MBA, CEC, CMC, PCC,

The above list of Mentor Coaches and Certification Exam Prep Group is approved by the MentorCoach CEO & President. MentorCoach reserves the right to change the membership of this list at any time.

Updated: June 2024

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