halvorson-goal-attainment-2MentorCoach is proud to announce the following exciting master class:

Mastering the Motivational Mindsets:
The Secrets of Goal Attainment

Taught by Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D.
Social psychologist & Associate Director for the Motivation Science Center, Columbia University Business School

author of Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals and 9 things successful people do differently

Dates TBD

$597 (+ Optional CEU fee)
Monthly Payment Option: See #6 below

heidiHear Heidi Grant Halvorson and Ben Dean talk about this class, what it will involve, what you will learn and how it differs from last summer’s class. (14 mins.) Click here to stream the audio or download an mp3 here.

Heidi’s In Depth Interview (3/28/12). You can hear Heidi’s extraordinary 80-minute interview about her latest work, her newest book, and her upcoming class. Her Interview webpage, packed with information, is here. Link to To listen, click here for streaming audio or to download an mp3. NOTE: To hear Heidi talk about about her new class (that launches 4/11/12), go to 42:29 on her recording.

Heidi’s 2011 Interview. You can hear Heidi’s extraordinary 80-minute interview with Ben on Friday, 5/20/11. To listen, click here for streaming audio or to download an mp3.

1. Who Should Attend

Anyone looking to be more successful reaching their own goals, or interested in helping others to be more effective in reaching theirs.

This course takes an in-depth look at our motivational mindsets – how the ways in which we think about our goals exert a profound influence, determining not only whether we ultimately succeed or fail, but also our emotional experiences, our coping strategies, and our sense of satisfaction and well-being.

Specifically, we’ll look at the causes and consequences of focusing on Being Good vs. Getting Better, and of focusing on what there is to gain (Promotion) vs. trying to avoid loss (Prevention). You’ll learn to recognize each mindset, to understand where they come from, to capitalize on their strengths and anticipate their weaknesses. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll discover how to shift mindsets when necessary in order to achieve greater success, well-being, and motivational balance.

This science-based approach to understanding and changing mindsets will be useful to coaches, counselors, therapists, managers, leaders, parents, and anyone else concerned with showing others how to reach their fullest potential and greatest well being.

In this course, you will learn strategies that will not only empower you to help others, but will also enable you to more effectively reach your own personal and professional goals.

2. What You’ll Learn Each Week:

Week 1: Mindsets: Being Good vs. Getting Better An overview of how these two mindsets impact goal pursuit and well-being

Week 2: The origins of Being Good and Getting Better – why do we adopt one mindset or the other?

Week 3: Shifting from Be Good to Get Better in the Short Term: Framing & Feedback

Week 4: Shifting from Be Good to Get Better in the Long Term: Interventions that Work

Week 5: Mindsets: Promotion vs. Prevention Do you want to go for gains or avoid losses? Do you want to be loved or feel safe? An overview of these two (opposite) motivational styles.

Week 6: The origins of Promotion and Prevention – the influence of parenting practices, culture, and life roles

Week 7: Working With Your Mindset to Maximize Success and Well-being

Week 8: Shifting Mindsets: Framing, Feedback, and Seeking Balance

3. What You’ll Get Out of This Course:

You’ll be knowledgeable about the latest, most cutting-edge research in one of the most exciting areas of psychology: motivation science. This is expertise that is in demand in organizations across the country and around the world.

You’ll learn how our mindsets influence everything we do: how they provide a lens through which we interpret our difficulties and our successes.

You’ll learn how to recognize particular mindsets in yourself and others, providing a starting place for diagnosing strengths and weaknesses, and creating a plan of treatment or a course of action.

You’ll understand why not every strategy is effective for everyone, why some strategies feel right while others don’t, and how to identify what will work best for you and for those you are trying to help as a function of their mindset.

You’ll learn how to shift mindsets, and how to help others shift their own, through feedback, situation framing, and interventions that address the core beliefs underlying each mindset.

4. Class Time

1:00 – 1:59 pm Eastern (New York time)
12:00 – 12:59 pm Central (Dallas time)
11:00 – 11:59 am Mountain (Denver time)
10:00 – 10:59 am Pacific (San Francisco time)
06:00 – 06:59 pm GMT (London time)
07:00 – 07:59 pm CET (Geneva time)
07:00 – 07:59 pm CET (Oslo time)
08:00 – 08:59 pm EET (Athens time)
09:00 – 09:59 pm GST (Dubai time)
10:30 – 11:29 pm IST (New Delhi time)
01:00 – 01:59 am HKT Thurs (Hong Kong time)
03:00 – 03:59 am EDT Thurs. (Sydney time)
05:00 – 05:59 am NZDT Thurs (Auckland time)
All Time Zones

5. Day and Date: 8 Wednesdays starting April 11, 2012

(Note: we will not meet on Wednesday, April 25, 2012. The Class will meet on April 11, 18, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, and June 6, 2012.)

6. Tuition

Single Payment: $597 (+ optional CEU fee)
For CEU information, see #12 below.

Monthly Payments
Three monthly payments of $210
(+ optional CEU fee)
For CEU information, see #12 below.

7. Readings

succeedThe course entails readings from one primary text–Heidi Grant Halvorson’s Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals (Hudson Street Press). In addition, each week Heidi will post relevant research articles, videos, and blog entries for the next week on the class’ password-protected website.

8. What People Say About Heidi.

In the summer of 2011, Heidi taught an extraordinary MentorCoach Master Class: Becoming an Artist with Goals. Students loved it. One of our senior faculty members said it was the best MentorCoach class she’d ever taken. Heidi has a brilliant and deep understanding of the research and practice in motivation research and goal attainment. She knows all the key researchers in the field. She’s a superb lecturer. And she stayed highly involved with the class. Even now, more than six months since the class ended, Heidi is still active on the continuing class list serv.

Here are a few sample comments about Heidi’s teaching:

“This class was transformational for me…” More
Kathryn Burnett, ACC, CMC, LSW

“…her extraordinary intellect and insight come tinged with a warmth, playfulness, and responsiveness that fostered a vibrant community of learners…” More
Gayle Scroggs, Ph.D., PCC

“…Many of us beseeched Heidi to offer another class. Lucky us, now she has!…” More
Judy Krings, Ph.D., PCC

“made a huge difference in how I work with my business and executive clients…” More
Kevyn Malloy, Ph.D., PCC

“…Has transformed (my approach) in many ways…” More
Pat Hinton Walker, PhD, RN, FAAN PCC

“… I was surprised, pleased, and delighted by Heidi Grant Halvorson’s class…” More
Lynn Johnson, Ph.D.

“…If Heidi’s teaching, I’ll be there and a better coach for it…” More
Hartley Goldstone, JD

“…Heidi understands (the Growth Mindset) concept so thoroughly and describes it with such clarity, it is a joy to listen to her…” More
Ann Mapham, MAPP

“…(Heidi) will help you as a coach, a manager, a leader and a person…” More
Lisa Sansom, MBA, MAPP

“(She offers) an integration of personal stories, research, and practical application of energizing strategies for achieving our goals…” More
Jo-Linda W. Butterfield, Ph.D., CMC, PCC

“I am by nature a practical person, and just loved that what Heidi shared was both research-based and SO immediately applicable to both my work with coaching clients and my own personal goals…” More
Paula Solomon, MS, LICSW

“What you learn in Heidi’s class will likely become the crux of how you coach clients to set and achieve their goals…” More
Kelly Eckert, CMC, ACC

“I was energized after each of her lectures and I found my confidence growing…In eight short weeks, Heidi’s work spoke volumes.” More
Paula Altschul, MN, ACC

9. Class Website

There will be a password-protected class web site. In advance of each session, we’ll post Heidi’s power points for the next class in multiple formats. We’ll also post Heidi’s special lecture notes in advance of each class, relevant articles and blog entries. And after each session, you’ll be able to listen online or to download a digital recording of that class to your computer and MP3 player (eg your iPod).

Thus, when you have a conflict with a particular class, you’ll have the recording, power points, and reading and you won’t miss a thing. For the Authentic Happiness Coaching™ Program, some students had ongoing conflicts and listened to the entire class by recording. We anticipate that a number of Heidi’s students in this class–for example, those living in Australia–will experience the class entirely by recording, still emailing in questions to Heidi between classes.

10. Prerequisites: None.

11. Certification

diplomaYes. Counts eight (8) hours toward MentorCoach® and International Coach Federation Certification. Again, to receive credit for certification, students must be counted present for seven of the eight classes. Attendance at the actual class is documented by the student emailing in two one-word clues that are given out during the class; they must be emailed in within 24 hours of the class ending. Listening to the class by recording does not count toward the attendance requirement for certification.

12. CEUs

Yes. Counts eight (8) hours toward MentorCoach® and International Coach Federation Certification. Again, to receive credit for certification, students must be counted present for seven of the eight classes. Attendance at the actual class is documented by the student emailing in two one-word clues that are given out during the class; they must be emailed in within 24 hours of the class ending. Listening to the class by recording does not count toward the attendance requirement for certification.

Graduates of this class will be able to earn eight hours of CEUs for social workers (NASW) and Marriage and Family Therapists in California (BBS). The CEU administration fee is $75.

To receive credit for CEUs, students must pay the CEU fee and be present for seven of the eight classes. Attendance at the actual class is documented by the student emailing in two one-word clues that are given out during the class; they must be emailed in within 24 hours of the class ending. Listening to the class by recording does not count toward the attendance requirement for receiving CEUs.

13. ICF Coach Continuing Education.

career4This class meets the criteria for eight (8) hours of Continuing Coach Education with the International Coach Federation. There is no charge for this at registration.

14. Attendance Requirements.

hottubMany students will listen to the lectures by recording at their leisure. We applaud and support this practice. We know one well-known Australian professor who used to end his week by listening to Chris Peterson’s lectures by recording on Friday evenings, drinking white wine and reclining in his hot tub!

certificateHowever, to receive credit for CEUs, credit toward MentorCoach Certification, ICF CCEs, or to receive a Certificate of Completion, students must be present for seven of the eight classes. Attendance at the actual class is documented by the student emailing in two one-word clues that are given out during the class; they must be emailed in within 24 hours of the class ending. Again, listening to the class by recording does not count toward the attendance requirement for receiving CEUs, credit toward MentorCoach Certification, ICF CCEs, or to receive a Class Certificate of Completion.

15. Enrollment Cap

Enrollment will be capped and the class will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

16. Refund Policy

You may withdraw your registration at any time before the beginning of the second one hour class on April 18, 2012 and receive a full refund. You are responsible for the full tuition amount if you do not withdraw before the beginning of the second class.

About Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D.

Heidi_HalvorsonHeidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D., is a social psychologist, consultant, and rising star in the field of motivational science. She is the Associate Director of the Motivation Science Center at the Columbia University Business School and has conducted research with the world’s leading figures in goal attainment. In this interview, she will talk about the most important strategies for goal attainment and the things highly successful people do differently. She writes weekly as an Expert Blogger for Fast Company, The Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and is a regular contributor to the BBC World Service’s Business Daily, the Harvard Business Review, and SmartBrief’s SmartBlog on Leadership. Her writing has also been featured on CNN Living and Mamapedia.

In addition to her work as author and co-editor of the highly-regarded academic book The Psychology of Goals (Guilford, 2009), Heidi has published papers in her field’s leading journals, including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, European Journal of Social Psychology, and Judgment and Decision Making. Her research and writing have received high praise from academics, business leaders, and authors including Carol Dweck and Matthew Kelly.

Heidi received her PhD in Social Psychology from Columbia University. Recently elected to the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, she speaks regularly at national conferences, and applies her expertise as a consultant to the fields of education, marketing, and management. She has received numerous grants from the National Science Foundation for her research on goals and achievement.

In 2010, Dr. Grant Halverson published Succeed: How We Can All Reach Our Goals, which has emerged as a “must-read” for individuals, groups, and managers focused on success or in a position to help others achieve their goals. It is filled with fascinating, easily readable research studies that highlight research-based strategies for success, and offers lists of recommendations for practical application to personal achievement and business settings.

Heidi’s most recent book, Nine Things Successful People Do Differently, is in the form of a Harvard Business Review eSingle, She highlights strategies commonly used by truly successful people, including setting highly specific goals, seizing the moment to act on them, gauging just how far away the goal is, adopting the best attitude, focus and outlook for the process, and building willpower and determination that fuel achievement.

halvorsonsingle psychology-of-goals suceed2


Enjoy Heidi’s website, blog, and favorite links on the Science of Success here.

Heidi’s Harvard Business Review Blogs here.

Heidi’s e-book Nine Things Successful People Do Differently here.

HBR Idea Cast from Harvard Business Review — Interview with Heidi talking on her newest e-book.

“You’ve Got Heidi”, a short video clip of Heidi’s talk on the Negative Side of Positive Thinking

Nine Things Successful People Do Differently. The most successful Harvard Business Review blog post of all time–by far.

The Science of Success Heidi’s Psychology Today blog.

Heidi’s Huffington Post Blog

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